Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Vanilla Rooibos Peach Ice Cream Floats

Vanilla rooibos tea, creamy peach ice cream, and a hint of peach schnapps make this ice cream float a delicious and refreshing treat.


  • 2 cups vanilla rooibos tea, chilled
  • 2 scoops peach ice cream
  • 1/4 cup peach schnapps
  • Sliced fresh peaches, for garnish optional


Cool down the vanilla rooibos tea and pour it into two glasses

Put some peach ice cream in each glass

Put two tablespoons of peach schnapps into each glass

Mix slowly by stirring

If you want, you can add sliced fresh peaches as a garnish

Use a straw and a spoon to serve right away

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